Employee Spotlight 

Check Your Email!!! VanDevere Monthly Newsletter is in!! 😊😊😊 Thank you so much VanDevere for an awesome shoutout!! 😍🙏🏽

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2018 Chevrolet Equinox

I can’t brag enough about my Chevrolet experience with product training event at one of my favorite short tracks at Indianapolis Speedway aka “Brick Yard.” You can bet your fancy dollar I hugged on those bricks but couldn’t bring my sniffles to kiss the bricks. After all I didn’t want any hardworking drivers to come down with a cold. 😉

There were many vehicles we drove including many competitors. Have you caught the new Chevrolet advertisements where they are having customers interact with our line up? You might be like me and not catch many commercials so check this advertisement out because it is exactly how we felt and how Chevrolet set up our training also!

If you have seen Chevrolet commercials with customers you will undoubtedly be aware that we have and will continue to step up our game. Many manufacturers are stepping back in rebates and continuing to spread the nasty rumors that the car market is going down yadda yadda…. Chevrolet is putting their throttle to the floor. I am damn proud to represent that mentality. The market doesn’t happen to us…we happen to the market….along with many other available variations of the epic quote done by many other successful individuals, “Life doesn’t happen to you, It happens because of you!” 😀

Product break down is simple:
3 Engine options (1.5L, 2.0 Turbo, and Diesel)
4 Trim Levels (L, LS, LT, and Premier)
2 additional packages (Driver Convenience I & II)

K.I.S.S. method for easy ordering and locating for the customer and Sales Associate relationship.

Golden Era for Chevrolet is here you can love us, hate us, but either way you will be noticing us, Chevrolet!

Daily Car Buying Tip

Awesome News!!! I get to be spotlighted in VanDevere’s spotlight for their monthly newsletter…EEEEKKKKKK!!!! So excited!!! From this excitement spiraled all that jazz of thoughts with most importance on the simple facts….
Seriously, think about it. You are making a HUGE financial decision with this person that is consisting of every commute over at least the next 3 – 4 years and thousands of dollars later. So what do you know about them?

Check out my video >>Daily Car Buying Tip <<

Here is my secret preview of the upcoming newsletter interview:

Hey Ashley, thanks for taking some time to sit down and let people know a little bit more about yourself. 

How long have you been a part of the VanDevere team?

4 Years in August…minus a 4 month maternity leave. Baby Gavin… ❤ The light of my life! I can’t believe he is already almost 1 1/2 old!

What’s your favorite part of working in sales?

I love the different type of car buying experience I offer to my customers. Most salesmen just ride the winds of avoiding knowledge to wait for business to magically come. I get to pursue educating myself and going out to earn customers business. I love identifying different buying habits with my customers and showing them more value they can bring to their monthly transportation budget. We leverage the banks money together and build great credit simultaneously. We all deserve a nice loan from the bank to get us around in a nice vehicle that doesn’t break down all the time!

If we could go back and read your high school yearbook, what would the caption say below your name as a motto?

Voted Most Spirited, Spring Dance Crowner, Softball, Choir, Fellowship of Christian Athletes/Students, Leadership Council, Mock Trial….are you sure you want me to continue??? I am a natural born busy body. 😀

Tell us something unique about yourself, like a hidden talent or something quirky you do.

I am an action oriented person who is extremely creative when balanced in my personal life and my middle name is quirky for anyone that has talked with me more that an hour basis. 

Where are you from originally?

Akron, born raised and always will be dedicated to serving my city and township. Akronite and Coventry Comet for life! 

If you were gonna spend a day out with friends or family in Akron, what places would you hit?

ohhhhhh where do I begin….hmmmmmm….I love love love downtown Akron. I love small shops like honey moon grill for breakfast followed by a day in the sun by state mill or portage lakes dr. then back downtown if i can find a baby sitter for dinner at Crave, Nuevo, Cilantro, or Blu Jazz Club. There are so many fun spots downtown that i think many miss out on because of the clean up Akron has had to do over the past 10 years. We have come SOOOOOO far!

If you could be a superhero, who would it be and why?

EKKKKKKK so happy you asked! BATMAN!!! Strong force to be reckoned with when he hit absolute rock bottom and still picked the pieces back up and defended the very city that took his parents life. 

If you could only eat one meal for every meal, for the rest of your life, what would it be?

TACOS!!! more hott sauce the better! Que the grumbellies since I am mid juice clense. 

If you could give the readers one piece of advice that has changed your life, what would it be?

Life does not happen to you….it happens because of you! I remind myself every single day. Read the Secret and changes your whole perspective on your life. 🙂 Crying is totally permitable whether your male or female. I won’t tell 😉

What do you want to provide your customers with when they come to see you at VanDevere?…….besides our great deals on hundreds of beautiful vehicles all backed with our Warranty Forever* lol


Well dainett you already covered a lot of value in those two words WARRANTY FOREVER! haha How about some PIECE OF MIND in the car world! It doesn’t matter what vehicle you buy or which lending choice you make. I am a salaried employee so basically I paid the same. Build your trust with a sales consultant and stick with them vs just walking blindly into a dealership. After all isn’t that why you go back to your hairstylist or accountant…because they do it RIGHT! 

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