Credit Building Tip No. 11 – Avoid Midnight Profit For Banks

Midnight Payments aka LATE PAYMENTS! Don’t do it! You are burning the Ben’jamins!
I couldn’t believe the statistics that I found behind the national debt level. Credit Cards, Mortgage, Auto, Student Loans, Etc. Etc. the list goes on…


Do you see what I see?

I see PROFIT for banks. I want to leverage the banks but I don’t want them making an arm and leg off of me. If you take the national average APR it brings you to 15% of that debt. Annual Percentage Rate is profit for the bank and you take 15% of $764 billion and that means $114,600,008.00 in revenue for bank. Grant that the banks employ and keep lights on for their business but $114 billion dollars is a LOT of M-U-L-A. SO when  you make late payments and have to pay an extra fee on top of that….think  of $114 billion dollars in on e year revenue for the banks. Tell me how fun it is to pay that money then. I’m all for businesses making profit. Profit is what stimulates our economy. Don’t let business make unnecessary profit off of your hard earned money.
If you want to geek out over “HOW MUCH?” you are spending on your debt check out this recourse:
You want to calculate the interest on $764000000000 at 15% interest per year after 1 year(s).

The formula we’ll use for this is the simple interest formula, or:


  • P is the principal amount, $764000000000.00.
  • r is the interest rate, 15% per year, or in decimal form, 15/100=0.15.
  • t is the time involved, 1….year(s) time periods.
  • So, t is 1….year time periods.

To find the simple interest, we multiply 7.64e+08 × 0.15 × 1 to get that:

The interest is: $114600000008.00

Usually now, the interest is added onto the principal to figure some new amount after 1 year(s),
or 764000000.00 + 114600008.00 = 878600008.00. For example:

  • If you borrowed the $764000000000.00, you would now owe $878600000008.00
  • If you loaned someone $764000000000.00, you would now be due $878600000008.00
  • If owned something, like a $764000000000.00 bond, it would be worth $878600000008.00 now
Holy math! 😀 But if you do the homework then you understand and if you understand…you spend less! 😀 Make your money make you that and  you will never have to contemplate a late payment again!
We have all been at the starting line of realization in many different angles of life’s experiences that it so kindly offers us. SO don’t worry about what you didn’t know before….use it to focus on what you are going to do now that you know. Youve got this! Tune in every Thursday for fun facts and credit tips. You are on a journey to gain everything you deserve with every fact your discover. One step forward is one step closer buddy!
P.S. When in doubt refer back to my last paragraph because in a nut shell I just want to remind you that you are AWESOME and YOU’VE GOT THIS!
Tune in next Tuesday on my Facebook page for a live Webinar on building your credit. Share with your friends to join in on your journey.


Disputing Bad Credit – Credit Building Tip No. 9

In a world where social security numbers still float around unnoticed by good people they are being harvested by thieves. Fight for your credit. If their is false information on their do not give up until it is gone! Keep disputing to all 3 bureaus until they get it off!!!!
A great resource to start is From there you can dispute on all three bureaus and from there guess what?!?!??! Your one step closer to AWESOME credit!
Tune in for weekly tips, Thursdays! Subscribe Here!
I have awesome tools that you can register for too!
With building your credit I want you to do some homework and always question, “How much?”
“How much money does this cost?”
“How much time will this take?”
“How much stress will this save in the long run?”
Does your credit reflect you accurately? If not DISPUTE DISPUTE DISPUTE! Word of the day, “DISPUTE!”







Credit Building Tip No. 8 – Why Do We Want Good Credit?

What does good credit do for you when you think about what it would be like to have it? What does it get you in your mind? You know what it gets you before it gets you what you want…MONEYYYYY!!! $$$$ How much more affordable would it be for you to get what you want? If you have bad credit it takes more money down, more money to pay to borrow the money in the long run which most of the time digs hole further, and less probability of hearing a yes to what you want!


What world would we be in if we had our credit scores tattooed on us like that fun Credit Karma commercial in 2016. I’m sure many of you can relate to it! Lets show our credit tats man! Lets build them and show them off like a badge of honor!


For everyone that missed my webinar last Tuesday that was not last of my showing! Awesome information and others that share this kind of credit building tips are usually charging money. Theme is always “How Much?!” aka How much does this cost to build my credit this way or that way?
Like my Facebook page so you don’t miss out on this live feed! Register for extra goodies after the show!
Thank you for tuning in! Good credit pays you even half way through getting to be the best. I was able to get out of my service issue causing 6 year old vehicle and into a brand new Vehicle for the same payment! Good credit can save you thousands and I am speaking from personal experience!!



Building Credit No. 7 – NEVER SETTLE



We all go through tough times. We have all faced the start of a big commitment. They can either make you tougher or you settle for less than you deserve and continue to go through more tough times. I have learned the hard way too many times. The only person that is going to protect me is ultimately ME! I know that sounds brash but we need that rude awakening so we stop settling for less that what any human deserves. If it doesn’t feel right then stop, turn around, AND RUN! If it doesn’t kill you it only makes you stronger but if you continue to play with the bear playing with his food then eventually it WILL KILL…that isn’t rocket science darlings. Stress brings us more life threatening diseases than almost any bacteria.
In light of a shortened holiday week this will be short. This blog entry will be direct. Look in the mirror and speak to your inner self out loud with me,





Having good credit is free money!
Tune in Tuesday,  at 10am for my building Credit Webinar that I am hosting.

For The Love Of Liberty – Credit Building Tip No. 6

IMG_4302.PNGAwesome time to buy a car but even better weekend to find the personal LIBERTY that you deserve. What is liberty? What comes to your mind? Well lets get technical first with the definition from Mr. Webster himself…

lib·er·ty (ˈlibərdē/ ) noun

  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.
  2. the power or scope to act as one pleases.

    “individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences”

So the obvious within the spaces of the dictionary…the feeling we get when we read the words power, the freedom, the much more stress free life we would be leading. Think about the time you would save and don’t we all agree that time, money, and freedom seem to always have relation. What gives us those nouns we desire so much…PEOPLE! How do we get people? We develop trust and relationships aka CREDIBILITY! Do you want to hang around someone you don’t believe? Neither does the banks because after all they are people not just a machine.




We all are there we all have our vices….try this kind of  financial cleanse where you don’t spend for three days so all of your pending’s become history. How much money do you have left? MOVE IT TO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT


Yea obvious right? Seriously though why haven’t you done it then? Tip of Tips…open it at a separate bank


Think of hot hands every time you touch your savings. Never played? Well your bank account it is going to smack the tops of your hands EVERY TIME you withdraw for frivolous spending. It is like playing hot hands with that annoying kid who is the best at everything he does and then boasts about it endlessly. Stress over money hurts a lot more than that punk so be thankful for the smack on the hands.


Think about the Liberty you will feel when you can make your money that you played hot hands with starts handing you money back just for playing. Nothing better than collecting $200 after passing GO.


Credit takes time and is a complete test of patience. It is you being responsive to life but not REACTIVE. Credibility isn’t an over night earning but focus on saving your money and you will end up stress free and tip top credit so you can get the banks money for free! FO FREE??? Yes it’s call 0% financing!


You’ve got this my credit building soldiers! You are on the right path. Doesn’t matter the past. The future is the only thing ahead of you! A very Happy Independence Day to you and your family from me and mine.

Remember spark an Uber when the fun lights you up!



How To Build Super Hero Credit

1. Find your superpower aka Credit Score…

After all my darling you have created it. Check out The Bureau just administrates the incoming messages. If it is a game of telephone and bad information…call it out.    

2. Own your debt…sew up your costume.

Knock out all the BS owed. Get the highest interest credit cards taken care of first and while at it pay those little ones off instead of hitting up taco bell. If it seems unnecessary to you it is extremely unnecessary in the banks perspective also. Take this food for though…budgets are like babies, when you get one the true friends will stick around! ; )

3. Find your Bat Cave within your Bat Cave

Make your home *cough cough* I mean your Bat-cave a comfy place because saving money is easiest to save while at home.

4. Catchphrase

Yes find a catchphrase whether it be a goal or a regret….find something to say every time your tempted to take your credit card to Victoria Secret or Summit Racing for the newest “HUGE BLOWOUT SALE!” Were only buying with real cash now because you have a city to save!

5. Good Credit means AWESOME Weapons

Goals Goals Goals….you want the big guns…the ultimate buying power….you gotta have the $cheese$ my superhero!

6. Who’s your group?

You are who you surround yourself with so now that all those bad friends disappeared when you got a budget…be patient the rest of your Justice League is waiting for you to join! 

7. Enemies

The most important part of your heroism….don’t let the enemies defeat you ever again. Those too good to be true variables in life. That slimy someone who looks perfectly put together just to tell you want to hear so he can make his commission check. Follow your gut and stick to the momentum you have built. You’re on your way to an awesome credit score that will give you a power and most importantly the freedom you deserve with your patience and diligence. 

Welcome to the SUPERHERO credit!


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